RTS 1252:
RTS number 1252 on route 27 at the Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza on July 10, 2006.
RTS number 1252 on route 40/42 at El Cerrito Del Norte BART station (first two photos)
and at San Rafael Transit Center (third photo) on a Spare The Air day,
July 17, 2006.
RTS 1258:
RTS number 1258 on route 40 pulls into the San Rafael Transit Center on July 17, 2006.
RTS 1259:
RTS number 1259 displays a patriotic theme to offer a memorial to the people who died as a result of the
terrorist acts of September 11, 2001. Route 73, Mission between Fremont and First, August 7, 2006.
RTS 1260:
RTS 1260 in front of the now-demolished Transbay Terminal on September 17, 2010.
One new photo added 05/25/11.